Better sports provision and an improved design.
All the pupils would be moved to the High School and the site at Thomas Muir cleared with a new super school built.
No, site restrictions at Thomas Muir!

What has happened...
All our children are 'shoehorned' into Bishopbriggs High (1300 pupils) the school was built for less than a 1000.
Meanwhile the existing Thomas Muir School, that should have been demolished, is now being used by another school while they have a brand new school built on their 'cleared' site.
The promised sports provision is being 'shoehorned' onto the 'smaller site' plus 'bolted on' from two neighbouring Primary Schools (one across a main road).
The design of the school has to be 'shoehorned' into the only space left while the existing school is being used.
Amazingly, with all this known, the developers still believe there is 'surplus' land to be sold for profit at the Thomas Muir site.
The prime Bishopbriggs High School site will make them millions and Turnbull High will provide even more 'surplus' land to add to the windfall.
Ask yourself, if this is what the people of Bishopbriggs were sold when the Council decide to move the school for 'better educational' reasons.
Ask yourself, if the Interim School Board have keep you informed (their duty) of what has happened and taken 'your' advice?
Ask yourself, when May comes. you can then decide if this Council, who represent you, have done a good job!
Ask yourself, when the election for the new Academy School Board, that should have taken place in August 2006, if you want this board to continue.
Decide if I was wrong to tell you, from the start, that Bishopbriggs have compromised during a project where Bishopbriggs is the ONLY area to LOSE a school.
Comments welcome...