Friday, December 12, 2008

Bishopbriggs Academy second bottom of East Dunbartonshire schools

In a comprehensive guide to Scottish schools performance, in today's Herald, Bishopbriggs Academy is second from bottom of the East Dunbartonshire table.

bishopbriggs academy 2nd bottom

Only Kirkintilloch had poorer results.

Bishopbriggs Academy is the product of the amalgamation of Bishopbriggs High School and Thomas Muir High School. Read the rest of this blog then decide if this amalgamation was for the benefit of pupils or the council...

To determine the Herald "league tables", they took the benchmark figures used by employers and universities – the percentage of pupils passing five or more Highers at grades A to C by the end of S5.

On the BBC website the 2002 results are below.

Bishopbriggs High School are second top of this table - Thomas Muir is second bottom.

bishopbriggs high school

Check all the results on the Herald website here...


Anonymous said...

What's your point James - surely you should be making a comparison between schools with similar free school meals %s?

gamezplay said...

Don't get your point...

We were promised that pupils wouldn't suffer.

Looks like they have.

Regardless of who pays for their dinner!

Anonymous said...

Your 2002 table is in alphabetical order you numpty....