Two applications have been made to use 'Surplus Land' - developers description.
An application has been made (TP/ED/06/1209) to use 'surplus' land at Turnbull High School site for 'residential development in outline'
Ward - 19 Kenmure and Baldernock
Previously it was believed the land used for Turnbull School was part of 'green belt' land and permission was given, only for education.
An application has been made (TP/ED/06/1212) to use 'surplus' land at Thomas Muir High School site for 'residential development in outline'. This is the site of the new Bishopbriggs Academy.
Just remember that that Bishopbriggs will now hold 1200 pupils - larger than any school previously in Bishopbriggs.
Yet, the council and developers are building this 'super school' on a SMALLER plot of land than the existing Thomas Muir school that accommodated only 655 pupils in 2001 (Bishopbriggs High - 1036 pupils).
Ward - 24 Woodhill East
Maybe the house will be complete before the school?
It would appear that new schools can now be built on smaller plots of land.
Thomas Muir High School site - Surplus land being sold off
Bishopbriggs High School site - Entire site to be sold off?
Turnbull High School site - Surplus land being sold off
I wonder how much inspirED will make from the sale of this land?
The plans for the new school have also been lodged (TP/ED/06/1224) interested parties should view them at the council offices.
Why is this land not being used for council housing if the council own it?
For information the Bishopbriggs Academy plans reference is (TP/ED/06/1199)