I am becoming extremely exasperated by the decisions that our Councillors have taken regarding the major changes in Bishopbriggs. Can they do a John Reid and argue that the East Dunbartonshire officers are not fit for purpose or are is it just that our team are consistently picking the wrong option?
This is in response to the Evening Times article (below) you can read his comments here
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James if you are going to quote me can you please get my name right!
Anyways thanks for including my quote on your blog………..but I hope your readers will note my other comments, that I do not see any reason why people should not walk and cycle to school in the way I did in my day. Having moved to Ailsa Road when I was in primary 7 practically at the Thomas Muir site I cycled along Westercleddens Road, along Hillside Drive along by the old Wimpey building crossing over at the lights and in through Lendale Lane. In first year I had to cycle to Balmuildy Primary School. The roads are no more dangerous than in my day. Perhaps we have just become more paranoid about what lurks round corners for our young people. Hence parents who think it a good idea to drive their children door to door to do their paper rounds.
As for your comments/links regarding Jo, I worked hard to get Jo elected and I am pleased with her work rate and commitment to date. I am delighted that we don’t have yet another lawyer representing us in Parliament and I am pleased that we have someone who is in touch with the way that young people think and the mediums that they use to communicate.
As I have intimated I am not necessarily so happy with our Councillors, they have managed to build the Kirkintilloch Arts Centre and Sports Centre, create the five a side pitches at Bishopbriggs Sports Centre, managed to balance the books, managed to increase recycling to 35%, managed to ensure that the equal pay settlement was met, managed to fund and service free personal care and general social work in this area and managed to match fund the Scottish Executive funding that has enabled six new schools to be built.
My irritation as you know is that whoever advised them to go for those blasted boxes to recycle, and whoever is suggesting that we sell of much needed playing field sites for yet more housing, should be the one that is made accountable. Councillors (no matter which party they come from) are not recycling or planning experts they need good advice.
I do want to see a Liberal Democrat led coalition running EDC on May 4 but I want them to know that if we as party workers are going to ask for the publics’ opinion via our regular Focus newsletters and surveys they have to listen to what the public wants not what officers and developers tell them to do.
Finally for anyone naïve enough to believe that a Labour MSP is going to restore weekly bin collections you should ask him what the cost will be when we have to pay £50 per tonne on landfill. Besides what does a MSP have to do with local authority issues, there paid to represent us in Holyrood, not Tom Johnstone House?
Name corrected - sorry
If I thought the council were doing a good job then i would not be posting this blog!
The stand or fall by their decisions and over the Bishopbriggs High School issue I'll let the readers decide.
Jo Swinson has made her opinion clear and that has not please Mr Morrison.
I hope the Lib Dems get what they deserve in May.
As for the recycling issue and the cost of landfill, if the figures ever come out how much EDC has spent this year on recycling then let's compare the costs.
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