It's this time of year when people look back...
This time last year we had the prospect of a super new school on the location the public wanted.
But things changed when the developers suggested the new school should be built on the Thomas Muir site.
Here's what they both said in an East Dunbartonshire Council communication "Staff guidance note".
Just a small change...
Both bidders have tabled an alternative solution... this may involve changes to the site, timing, decant arrangements or design of the new school.
Remember this vital sentence...
We are unable to show you the plans for the variant... considered commercially confidential whilst the bidders are competing.
So both builders suggested , independently, an alternative proposal to build on a different plot that would change decant arrangements etc. What reasons did each give?
Below are the reason from Bidder A variant scenario...

and the reason given by Bidder B variant scenario...

Again both independent, rival bidders, scenarios.
Can you spot the difference?
Here's some clues - most letters are the same, most words are the same, they're in the same order. In fact they are almost identical.
Another amazing coincidence, no doubt!
And why could you not see the alternate plans?
We are unable to show you the plans for the variant at this stage as they have not been developed beyond a sketch site layout to prove the site has adequate land to support a new school.
You can now! The 'variant' school - at the planning office. A school proposed by the preferred bidder, it was almost identical to the school proposed on the High School site, and rejected by the Council. Could that have been the reason you were not allowed to see it?
After all, you could see the other designs, by both developers, at that time, not confidential then.
You never did see the new proposal, well not until after the Council had decided to accept it.
The public were NOT consulted - I understand this is a requirement under the Scottish Office rules on PPP.
P.S. The Interim School Board never saw the variant design - but they did agree to the Council decision - before they made it!
1 comment:
Timing of construction:- Commence Aug 2006, Buildings Complete Aug 2008 External Grounds complete Dec 2008 In our dreams! Fantasy dates like a lot of claims made in this whole debacle
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