Same with the child care centre on the same site.

Several months on we're expected to forget that, as they decide a valuable strip of land at Thomas Muir is 'surplus' and should be sold off for housing.

Wait a minute, doesn't that land include a Janitor's house, they don't own, and a bus terminus?
Surly they can't find money to buy them out when they had none for the same purpose at the Bishopbriggs High site?
Not content with gaining the entire site at Bishopbriggs High they want to claw back land from Turnbull and Thomas Muir.
The will be building the biggest school ever in Bishopbriggs on what remains of the Thomas Muir site. This will require having to share sports facilities with surrounding primaries.
This was raised at recent meeting in school The janitor could obviously be in a wonderful position to get a tidy sum for his house and relocate good luck to him BUT where do you relocate a bus terminus to? Logically its there because its the end/start of a bus route(s) so where do you move it to? Cant think of any sites near existing terminus which would accomodate buses so I think that council/developers may be a bit presumptious in thinking bus treminus in surplus
i've read the 50 odd page travel plan on the council site re the survey that was completed in October- all the bus routes mentioned come in and out of this terminus. Also they reckon only 74 children will be disadvantaged by the move to TM. They bus routes they quote almost all come in and out of GLASGOW CITY COUNCIL areas- not East Dunbartonshire. They dismiss Meadowburn and Balmuidy in one sentence and Kenmure in two , in a whole report of 50 pages! guess it's just tough if you live in Meadowburn. It looks like the school is going to be used in future by people from Glasgow area. so much for EDC council taxpayers!
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