The first letter is from Councillor Gotts - where he states that the interim school board of Bishopbriggs Academy agreed with the council decision to site the new school on the Thomas Muir campus. 'Agreed' before the council made the decision! I have contacted Councillor Gotts regarding this statement - I am still waiting for a reply. (see earlier posts)

His letter...
East Dunbartonshire Council
I am puzzled that Donald Macdonald, the chairperson of Woodhill Residents' Group, according to statements attributed to him in a recent article in the Herald, still fails to appreciate the educational benefits of Bishopbriggs Academy being built on the Thornas Muir site.
The Supporting paper enclosed in the letter from the Head of Education, sent to every household with children at Bishopbriggs Academy and its feeder primaries, made it abundantly clear what the educational benefits are.
Those benefits include more space in the corridors for pupil movement, more natural light in classrooms, safe social areas for pupils, better outdoor space and games area and better circulation routes avoiding congestion at period changes and giving more teaching time for teachers and pupils.
It is all these enhanced aspects which contribute to the ethos and success of a modern school, creating an environment which will allow and encourage learning and teaching.
It is the topography of the Thomas Muir site which allows for a school design that matches the educational standards of the other new build schools.
This explains why both teaching unions, the interim school board of Bishopbriggs Academy and most of the associated primary school boards support the council's decision.
Parents have also been made aware of the fact that it would have been more disruptive for the continuity of education during the two year building period if the Bishopbriggs High site had been chosen.
This is because the new build would have been on the existing playing fields, with very little space for pupii movement on the rest of the site.
I am, however, pleased to hear that Mr Macdonald wants to "engage in a positive dialogue with the council regarding the final plans of the school".
As educational convener, I want the best learning environment for pupils in our schools and best teaching facilities for staff.
I hope that Mr Macdonald shares that vision.
Councillor Eric Gotts
East Dunbartonshlre Council
Here is Donald Macdonald, chairperson of the Woodhill Residents reply...
Dear Sir
Following on from Councillor Eric Gotts letter printed on 23rd August, I am as puzzled about the so called 'Educational Benefits' of the Thomas Muir site as he clearly is about the widespread opposition in Bishopbriggs to this decision made by councillors who predominantly represent Bearsden and Milngavie.
Having read the full papers presented to councillors prior to the 'secret' meeting on 26th June, most of the benefits stated are not educational and some are just downright preposterous. Your readers can view these papers by logging on to woodhill residents web site.
However I feel that some of Eric's assertions require to be countered. Because the Thomas Muir building will be occupied by pupils from St Ninians when the new Academy is built, the design of the school has been compromised to fit into the L-shape of the existing playing fields.
Most people will have assumed that the school would be built on the existing footprint of Thomas Muir, not less than 30 metres from the back doors of houses on Torr Road. And when St Ninians move out in two years time, builders will have to flatten the hill where the school used to be to create playing fields, and take away playing space recently given to Woodhill Primary.
On the papers given to Councillors there is no mention of the Interim School Board supporting the council decision from the consultation returns, mainly because the decision had not been taken, and the papers state clearly that the Board still required proof of the benefits. Perhaps the Board when it next meets could reassure parents in Bishopbriggs that it can see the benefits no one else can.
Eric's concern for Bishopbriggs pupils enduring a building site outside their classroom is indeed laudable. He seems to have no such qualms for the pupils of Douglas Academy or Bearsden Academy. But then there are no other cheaper sites available in Bearsden and Milngavie unlike Bishopbriggs, where builders are proposing a mixed residential and RETAIL development for the Town Centre site. We can only hope the congestion predicted for the area if the Academy had been built there will not affect planning permission for any upmarket clothing and food retailer who might be interested in opening up in Bishopbriggs!
Eric should take a good hard look at appendix C8c of the 80 page document he and his colleagues were supposed to have read before voting for the Builders proposition for Bishopbriggs. It clearly states that the Bishopbriggs site would be at the 'heart of the community', but that this is not an educational benefit. I always believed that the Liberal Democrats were strong supporters of Community, but then the current administration are not particularly liberal and certainly not democratic.
Eric will know from my recent involvement in the School Board Forum that I have best interests of pupils AND parents at heart. All the Woodhill Residents have ever asked about the builders proposals is 'WHY?'. Perhaps this is a question that will be answered when we finally have our promised meeting with Eric's boss Councillor Morrison.
Thanks to Donald Macdonald for allowing the publishing of his letter on this site. You can view the Woodhill Residents site here
1 comment:
I can't help but think it is time to make a case to the executive about this. I know they cannot officially get involved, but are they really going to allow 40 to 60 years of incorrect school site to actually happen! What have we done wrong to justify this?
Maybe a start would be making sure the lifelong learning or minister or whoever gets copied on this blog.
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