Information from the School Board Scotland web site...
"It is a legal requirement that the School Board regularly consults parents on matters which the School Board is considering.
Were the parents consulted before this letter was sent, the council say it supported their decision (see above).
I was on the board and I wasn't consulted, were you?
Again from the web site.
The School Board should consider the following questions...
Does your Board have a clearly defined role?
Have you shared these aims with parents?
How representative is your Board?
What is your relationship with the school?
Is the Board represented on the PTA and does the PTA report at the meetings of the School Board?
Do you liaise on matters of mutual interest such as fund-raising, social events and communications?
Who has responsibility for communication with parents?
How successful have you been communicating with parents?
How often do you attempt to reach parents?
How often do you talk with the teachers?
Do parents know about Board meetings and minutes?
Do parents attend meetings?
Are meetings advertised in advance?
Are there photographs of the School Board alongside the management team in the entrance hall?
All meetings of a School Board must be open to the public. You are expected to advertise, in some way, every meeting of your School Board in order to ensure that parents and members of the local community know when, where and at what time a meeting will take place and so allow them to attend, if they so wish.
Legal responsibilities
Public and parents have right of access to meetings and to documentation (ask to see the letter)
Next meeting is 7pm - Wednesday 30th August in Bishopbriggs Academy - not sure which one.
I think concerned parents should go along and seek clarification from the School Board of their apparent support for the Thomas Muir Site.
The meeting states that it will take place at Bishopbriggs Academy, that is covered by two sites.
The meetings alternate, the last one was at the Thomas Muir High site, this meeting should be at the Bishopbriggs High School site.
You can attend the meetings but you are not allowed to speak, unless given permission from the chair.
You can post questions, but I'm not sure how far in advance that has to be done.
Hope this helps.
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