Sunday, August 13, 2006

"Safe and Effective Continuity of Education during the building period."

That's the heading used by councillor McNaughton in the 'Focus on Bishopbriggs' newsletter I received today.

It goes on...

"The new build would have been on the existing playing fields, leaving very little space for pupils movement on the rest of the site".

This is exactly what will happen on most of the other sites, schools are being rebuilt on adjacent land.

If it was a problem why are the council not concerned at these other sites?

In fact the new Bishopbriggs Academy will be built on the Thomas Muir site while St Ninian's use the existing school.

If the school had been built on the Bishopbriggs High site, as the people decided, then this would have been no different from most of the other rebuilds. The school could have been used during construction as the 'footprint' of the new school is on the playing fields.

After speaking to councillor McNaughton she confirmed that the same design of school to be built on the Thomas Muir site will be used throughout the project. This represents a cost saving to the project.

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