Friday, December 13, 2019

No Swinson as Jo Swinson seat won by SNP

TEN YEARS on from the Liberal Democrats decision to build the new Bishopbriggs High School on the site of the old Thomas Muir school on the outskirts of the town.

The general election 2019 sees Jo Swinson lose her seat to the SNP.

Despite the then Lib Dem run council asking the people of Bishopbriggs to decide where the new school should be built, and the people deciding to built it on the existing Bishopbriggs High School site. The council ignored the people and voted against that democratic decision and decided to build the new school on the Thomas Muir, out of town, site.

At the next local council election the Lib Dems administration was humiliated when they lost.

On the old Bishopbriggs High School site the new £800,000 sports hall was first thing to be demolished by the demolition company. After investigation it was deemed to have been a mistake, and NO further action was taken.

Today, 10 years on, the old Bishopbriggs High School site remains derelict and empty.

New homes continue to be built in Bishopbriggs and the demand for secondary school places sees the council having to consider placing pupils inside the Bishopbriggs Academy catchment in other schools.

Maybe they could build a new school on the unused High School site - it's still the best option, in my opinion.

More to follow...