The LibDems, who voted for the 'cheaper option', for Bishopbriggs Academy have been wiped off the face of the new council at East Dunbartonshire.
They could ignore the public when it came to consultation but they couldn't when it came to voting for their job.
East Dunbartonshire Liberal Democrates on May 4th 2007
John Morrison (Council Leader) -
GoneMargaret McNaughton -
GoneGordon Macdonald -
GoneFiona Risk -
GonePat Steel (provost) -
GoneJulia Southcott -
GoneRobert Duncan -
GoneFiona Callison -
GoneCathy McInnes -
GoneEric Gotts - Survived
Duncan Cummings - Survived
Vaughan Moody - Survived
Of the
Twelve LibDem councillors only three survived the rest were wiped out by the voters.
Cathy McInnes who came
fifth out of six candidates for the Strathkelvin and Bearsden seat took a double beating.
The results can be found here
Strathkelvin and BearsdenAnd the council results
hereJo Swinson - take noteKirky Herald
Lib Dems Binned