Sunday, March 11, 2007

Prisoners treated better than our children?

Dr Gordon Low wrote a letter to the Bishopbriggs Herald highlighting the way the Council have treated our children compared to how prisoners at Low Moss prison are treated.

During last year's public inquiry into the proposed new prison at Low Moss, Scottish Prison Service (SPS) were at pains to stress the urgency of building prisons to meet the rising prisoner population.
So it's a bit surprising now to find that they can manage quite happily for the next two years with one fewer prison. (Bishopbriggs Herald, 28th February)
But then, the SPS would tell us that they're seeking to accommodate twice the number of inmates in a state-of-the-art complex, complete with its own dedicated sports facilities and requiring the flexibility afforded by the utilisation of the whole available site.
So presumably the site has to be cleared before building work can begin, as trying to construct the new prison round the existing buildings would hopelessly compromise the design.
And of course, the SPS would probably consider it unreasonable to expect prisoners to have to live in a building site for two years.
Fair enough, perhaps. Yet it does seem just a bit ironic that the latter approach is exactly the construction methodology being employed by East Dunbartonshire Council to accommodate twice the school role at the new Bishopbriggs Academy, and with exactly the consequences the SPS are avoiding at Low Moss.
And that's before the council sells off part of the school site to the developers.
It wouldn't be good enough for the prisoners (and who would argue the point?) but apparently it's good enough for our school pupils.


Schools project to be sold off?

Schools contracts may be up for grabs in Amec sell-off.

It could be the first of many sell off by chief executive Samir Brikho, the Swedish-Lebanese businessman who runs the company.

Samir may sell businesses involved in building and facilities services and focus the company on core areas such as oil and gas, minerals and metals mining and the nuclear and wind energy industries.

He added that plans were already in place for significant cost savings.

Read the full story here in The Sunday Herald

Maybe they think the SNP will win in May...


Saturday, March 10, 2007

SNP will build new schools but not for profit!

The SNP have said they are committed to building new schools in East Dunbartonshire but not under PPP.

The SNP would use a NOT for profit trust scheme, where benefits are ploughed back into education rather that being paid out to contractors.

Where as the Liberal Democrats are committed to selling land and paying developers to run the schools for years to come.

PPP has already been in the news when running costs have soared in several projects.

The Labour party had said the SNP would not built the schools but this has been denied by SNP candidate Dr Robin Easton.

Council leader John Morrison said it was insulting to the public to say that PPP was anything but a success...

That would be the same public who's advice the Liberal Democrats chose to ignore then Mr Morrison?


Thursday, March 08, 2007

School Board hang on by their teeth...

The School amalgamated in August 2006 the School Board act states that election for a new board should commence at that time.

NINE MONTHS later we could have that School Board. But they remain - backed by the council, who should have instigated the change, laid down in legislation - but they didn't. You can only ask yourself why after you've read this site.

Check the school web site for the 'latest' :-) information...

Completed ballot papers should be returned in the envelope provided, to the Head Teacher by 3.00pm on 23rd April, 2007.


No minutes have been posted.....

You can download the Parental Involvement letter here

Just keeping you informed.


Teachers can't find jobs...

Interesting artical from the Herald.

Some of the comments blame PPP projects for building smaller schools to hold more pupils (where have I heard that before).

Councils saving money on Education to finance their pet projects?

Intresting reading...


Glasgow plan to invest millions on new sports pitches

Looks like Glasgow have the right idea - unlike the councilors of East Dunbartonshire. they prefer to sell off land for private homes taking land from education use.

A massive £25million could be spent over the next seven years providing hundreds of new and upgraded sports pitches across Glasgow.

Selling pitches and investing the money in better ones.

Some red blaes pitches will be sold off to developers, with some of the cash being re-invested in high quality pitches in areas of greatest need.

Read the full story in The Evening Times


Friday, March 02, 2007

Lack of outdoor sports facilities

Anyone listen to Roger Black on Radio 4?

He's trying to get children fit at school and he's shocked by the lack of outdoor facilities at schools.

The excuse is the lack of space and land available.

What do East Dunbartonshire do?

They have the land for these facilities but in almost every school site in the project they chose to sell part of that land off for financial gain.

You can listen here.
